hostel Kif-Kif Marrakech i Marrakesh

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Marokkohostel Kif-Kif Marrakech



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Rue el Ksour, 40000, Marrakesh, Marrakesh, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 661-153163
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.6278608, Longitude: -7.9915344

kommentar 5

  • Sienna



    I stayed at this hostel twice before. My first stay was fine, the vibe was cool. But during my second stay, Hostel world had the price listed as 30 Dh per night. So I got there and was going to book it on hostelworld but they told me not to do it because the price listed was wrong and blah blah. Honestly I should have booked on hostel world because they ended up charging me double because they "didn't have change". The hostel is generally cluttered and messy. There are three showers in the hostel, but they are all basically open showers and in the same room. There is also mold everywhere in the showers. They were also rude that entire day.

  • Mikel Irizar

    Mikel Irizar


    We came here on the recommendation of a friend in Essaouira. This place really exceeded our expectations...the atmosphere is a perfect respite for the weary traveller and everyone working there is so warm and welcoming. The location is perfect and there are also excursions all across Morocco. We are already planning our return.

  • en

    Alfa Crow


    We went on a 4 day tour starting from Marrakech to Fes with 2 nights in the luxury camp at Merzouga, with Mustapha as our guide. It was the experience we had hoped for including the extra day in the desert that Lehcen had advised us to try. The scenery was incredible, the food consistently tasty and of suprising quality, and Mustapha's advice as a guide was usually spot on. The extra day added on was interesting as we drove around with Mustapha to get some idea of the life of nomads near the camp, and went to a nearby small city and toured through its tourist site and a walk through of its souk. We felt well taken care of by both our guide and the organisation. The only things that weren't perfect were related to the weather - a very windy and sandy day. It gets quite cold in the desert at night in March. And the sun comes up early

  • en

    hary maverick


    Amazing hostel! The staff made us feel right at home from the get go and we’re always helpful and insightful. Comfy chill areas, delicious breakfast, beautiful colourful interior and great terrace to take in the city sights. Extra pluses are the cheap price and proximity to the city centre. Highly recommend for anyone who enjoys a comfortable, welcoming place whilst travelling.

  • en

    crystal choi


    It's the best hostel! We stayed there for 2 nights. Good location and it's easy to find. Free breakfast, clean and very friendly and helpful staff! Very very cheap price! Definitely worth it!

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