Gallery Kasbah i Essaouira

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MarokkoGallery Kasbah



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4 rue tétouan, Essaouira 44000, Marruecos
kontakter telefon: +212 5244-75605
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Latitude: 31.5128556, Longitude: -9.7709787

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aaron Sepulveda


    One of the hardest things in Morocco is getting over the fear of exploring and studying and looking at things because of the worry that the owner of whatever shop or gallery you're examining will harass you endlessly to either make a purchase of leave. Over the course of a few days in Essaouira this fear kept me from exploring the Gallery Kasbah. It was only on the last of four days while waiting for a bus back to Marrakesh that I actually went inside. This place is unlike no other shop and it's a shame it took four days to figure that out. Foremost, there's no harassment at all, I got the chance to fully explore the four floors of goods as well as visit the terrace on top that gives an unprecedented view of the city. Secondly, the goods that have are as remarkable as the space, hundreds and hundreds of contemporary art works as well as antique wares ranging from throne-like chairs to art deco paintings. It's a must see for anyone in town, if not for the fifth story terrace (one of the taller spots in Essaouira) than for the ability to get to deeply analyze Moroccan art without worry of having it pushed on you. The owner is a gem as well.

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    David Colquhoun


    Beautiful art in the Galerie, and a wonderful location. Worth a visit to explore. We purchased a piece that was shipped to us in the US. Delivery was smooth and Omar was very responsive to emails, and took care to inform me of all steps in the shipping.

  • en

    Andrew Rutherford


    I came across the gallery by chance and wow it was worth it. Art works from all kinds of artists. Sculptures, painting, ceramics, modern, representational and impressionistic. Its all here over several floors. Not just the art work but the building is great. A huge courtyard compared to most and stretches up to 5 floors with a stunning view from the top. The building is being restored steadily so the upper floors are not filled with works but there is still plenty up there. If you were only in Essaouira for a short time this is a place you must visit, even if only for the views.

  • Kimo dj

    Kimo dj


    Très bon endroit où le temps s'arrête Plein de belles choses

  • Valentina Maleza

    Valentina Maleza


    Merece la pena pasar allí parte de la mañana.

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