El Yacoubi Veterinary Clinic i Casablanca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoEl Yacoubi Veterinary Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

72, Rue d'Agadir, 20250, Casablanca, Casablanca-Anfa, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5222-20294
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5837046, Longitude: -7.6192469

kommentar 5

  • Anas Ait Khali

    Anas Ait Khali


    Tres chere veterianaire. Il s'en fou de votre animal, il ne veut que votre argent.

  • Doha Asrir

    Doha Asrir


    Hey, So getting right to the topic, I recently adopted this cat in the picture ( such a cutie 😍 right?) when I first brought her home, she was 10 days old, I was wondering which vet I should take her to and I had no idea since it's my first time adopting an pet and planning to get her vaccinated. A friend of mine mentioned this clinique, which I am grateful to her. There are two doctors, Once you bring the pet they consult him very well, take care of him and make him feel comfortable. My cat had by now three vaccins and I am happy about it. If you worry about the prices, then it isn't expensive than your pet's health or yours since they protect both owner and pet. 200Dh for consultation and additional payment fee for vaccins. It can go up to 500 Dh as for my cases. But, very satisfying service. They even cut her nails and check her very closer and precise. Rhey hear you out and teach you how to adopt. If you have a pet and confused wheither and which vet to take it to, I highly recommend you this clinique. You won't regret it. Thankies 💕💕

  • Idriss Berrada

    Idriss Berrada


    Très competents

  • fr

    Hiba El Idrissi Fettah


    C'est les meilleurs drs que jai jamais eu, Mes animaux vont tous chez eux et ils les adorent.

  • Salomé Roussel

    Salomé Roussel


    J'ai amené mon chat suite à une fausse couche. Elle était en urgence. Elle a été opérée toute de suite. Puis à au de gros problèmes reinaux, on pensait qu'elle ne survivrait pas. Aujourd'hui elle est en pleine forme. Merci Karim et Jalil Yacoubi, qui ont sauvé, mon chat ! Je recommande vivement cette clinique.

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