Dar El Karam i Rabat

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MarokkoDar El Karam



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5 Rue Lalla Hannou، Rabat 10030, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 641-799828
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Latitude: 34.025007, Longitude: -6.840289

kommentar 5

  • Marco Edoardo Massa

    Marco Edoardo Massa


    I really recommend this place. We spent 2 nights in Rabat. It's a great place where to stay inside the medina, is 5 minutes walking for a parking, so if you have rented a car is east to park. The owner is a very friendly and smart guy that will make you feel home. He gave us nive tips about place to go and where to eat typical food. Also he is an amazing chef and made us wonderfull Maroccon breakfast! We will come back for sure

  • Aleksey Kaluzhskiy

    Aleksey Kaluzhskiy


    We didn’t make a reservation, just came to the hotel and luckily there was a free room. The host was very kind to us, he offered us tea and showed us a big and comfortable room with air conditioning. There are 3 bathrooms with hot water in the hotel. The hotel itself is situated in the heart of Rabat in Medina which gives you a unique opportunity to dive into the atmosphere of the old and beautiful city. If you travel by car you can leave your car nearby just outside the Medina on the guarded parking. I’d like to thank the host Hassan once again for the warm welcome!:)

  • Rania Ah

    Rania Ah


    The receptionist was drunk when we called anx he gave us wrong information abt the place. When we arrived there , we were shocked at the price we were told for the place we booked. Even when we explained our situation, the lady at the desk told us that the guy was not in his right mind, but then where does that leave us :). Luckily, the lady helped us make the best out of it. We eventually spent the night there sharing the appart. with Other japanese people.

  • Klemen K

    Klemen K


    Great atmosphere, clean rooms, friendly staff. The bathroom leaves much to be desired for. It is perfectly located in the medina for exploring local sights.

  • Marko Magdič

    Marko Magdič


    Lovely place for spending a night, its in the center of medina and there is a lot of shops near by. Interior is beautiful and it really feels like u are in Maroko. Owner is friendly and helpful. Breakfast was traditional omelet, but it could be little stronger. For omelet and coffee u have to pay extra, but it's cheap. Finding the motel is a little harder, because poor signs but locals show us the way. I recommend it for everyone, and if I return I will definitely chose them again. 😃

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