Carrefour Market i Marrakech

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoCarrefour Market



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Rue Tariq Bnou Ziad, 40000, Marrakech, Marrakech, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5243-44130
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.6350364, Longitude: -8.0111253

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amanda B


    After allowing the man in front of me to pay what he could for his granola bars and yogurt (an exchange entirely in French), the cashier asked me if I really needed all of my change (an exchange entirely in English) gesturing that she didn’t have the right change in her drawer even though the man in front of me had just paid with the coins needed for my change. So like the reviews before mine, I warn you that the cashiers at this store may try to take advantage of foreigners.

  • en

    Drew Demarest


    This seems like a nice place to shop with a good selection. I’m a six foot 210lbs white American male. You take one look at me and you know what I am. I waited patiently in line with everyone else and as soon as I got to her register she took one look at me and said, “closed” shut her register and walked away. I get it that under today’s political climate (thanks worst president ever) and it’s easy to hate Americans. Especially in a Muslim country. That just means that I don’t have to give them my money and neither should any other American in Marrakech.

  • Reda Benbrahim

    Reda Benbrahim


    Good location. You can buy all kind of alcohol .lot of promotion

  • en

    sean tan


    decent goods that might not be the cheapest but at least prices are clearly displayed

  • chris cook

    chris cook


    Good shopping centre if you need something the hotel can't provide, however we went for sun cream and the cheapest we could find was £13. If you're looking for sun cream I would advise trying somewhere else.

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