Barceló Fès Medina i Fès

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MarokkoBarceló Fès Medina



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Avenue Hassan II, 30000, Fès, Wilaya de Fes, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5359-48800
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.0435764, Longitude: -4.9972867

kommentar 5

  • en

    byron t


    Good value and the location is tops. Close to shopping mall with a large grocery store and Costa Coffee (similar to Starbucks). Staff is friendly and helpful setting up tour for me. Close to a 5-star rating, but some small improvements needed.

  • Samantha McLeod

    Samantha McLeod


    Good location right in the city center. A pretty short walk to the Medina. Hotel is very nice. The rooms are comfortable. Breakfast is great! Check in process was a little weird as their computers were down and I had to wait a while for them to be back up. Then they tried to get me to pay a second time because they didn't see I already paid online. I assume that isn't a normal thing though... Overall a good value and I'd stay again.

  • en

    Awatif Lazaae


    If i want about this Hotel i can't say anything more the super amazing. The best thing is breakfast it's excellent i want ti say thanks to who prepat the food their because I i never ever proof it. But the negatve thing is the rooms are not so clean and them smile is bad by the way

  • Connor Solomon

    Connor Solomon


    The Barcelo had the potential to be a great stay, the room was great and I really would have enjoyed it despite the horrid customer service. When I arrived, I was told that my reservation had been cancelled an hour earlier because my card had been "declined." It turned out that the hotel had overbooked and was trying to solve the problem by telling numerous guests the same story that I was told. Finally after 2 hour of being told that there was nothing they could do, they managed to somehow find me a room. My advice; do yourself a favor and avoid the Barcelo at all costs.

  • en

    Becky Rosoman


    Fabulous hotel. WiFi didn’t really work that well but the rest was great. Staff fairly helpful. Breakfast was great. Rooms very spacious and clean. Great location, close to the medina. Would stay again

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