Banque Populaire (Siège régional) i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoBanque Populaire (Siège régional)



🕗 åbningstider

Avenue Chellah, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5372-68200
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.0173535, Longitude: -6.8286306

kommentar 5

  • Youssef Abid

    Youssef Abid


    la bureaucratie

  • Osama Sayad

    Osama Sayad


    بنك الحصان

  • Mounir Khiali

    Mounir Khiali


    This is the worst branch located at 62 avenue patrice lumumba, Rabat. they do not know what is customer service and how to treat people. and because of the experience I received I will be moving my money somewhere else that values customers. First I was questioned about the signature i do not mind but the way they asked that ticked me off. then t the representative pulled money out of her purse to complete the amount i was getting. Then there is a charge of pulling money from your account using a check in a different branch. so I was ok with the fee but when I asked for a receipt for the fee they refuse to provide one and the refusal was from rep and the branch manager.

  • morad morad

    morad morad


    Hado habss machi banque

  • nabil oumenssour

    nabil oumenssour


    Babque populaire, avenue tripoli, hassan, rabat

nærmeste Bank

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