AALIM Center i Meknes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoAALIM Center


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Meknes, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212
internet side: www.aalimorocco.com
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Latitude: 33.8988278, Longitude: -5.564543

kommentar 3

  • fr

    M K


    Très bonne école, j'ai appris bien le Darija et l'écriture arabe, les profs étaient tous très gentiles, je vais y revenir! Merci

  • Adam Willman

    Adam Willman


  • Michael Guyer

    Michael Guyer


    The AALIM Center has some of the best instructors and offers some of the best opportunities for studying Arabic in Morocco. The level of rigor is high but the pay off is even higher. You can be certain that if you're studying Arabic here you will learn much and will have many instructors ready to help at a moments notice. The location in the old Medina is also really convenient for shopping and touring the history of the area as there are many famous sites such as Bab Mansour and the king's palace within walking distance from the center. Highly recommended for any Arabic students wishing to study abroad.

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